30 September 2011

Halloween Inspiration

It's that time of year again...when everything starts to turn a little spooky... Halloween!

As a kid I used to love watching american movies and shows about kids getting dressed up and going trick or treating - where you get to dress up in a fun costume and you are allowed to take lollies from strangers, you just rock on up to their door and get treats!!  I missed the whole trick or treating thing being an 80's child in New Zealand and growing up in the country, so I just love being able to go a little crazy with it now as big kid.

So where does one go to find inspiration, I turn to my new BFF pinterest.  Now if you don't know about pinterest you need to know!  I just cannot say enough about this site!  It's a virtual pinboard to keep track of all the great things you find online, so if you haven't tried it try it now! 

So below are a few pics that my BFF shared with me...

How glam - a black and glitter pumpkin - LOVE! 

06 September 2011

Baby Shower

I know I have been a little slack (ok, ok really slack) at posting what I have been up to lately, and to try and win you all back I have gorgeous photos (thanks to my fabulous friend Nicole Jecentho)...not only of cake, but also of a brand new baby!

Yes, it has been so long between posts that the baby shower I made cakes for has been and gone and said baby has arrived!  So I won't delay anymore, here are the pics of the goodies at the shower, and a cute pic of gorgeous little McKenzie Rose.

Mara and Chase, you made one gorgeous little girl, and you both make amazing parents xx
